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CBT For Treating Cognitive Distortions

Total Duration: 3 hour 37 min 52 sec.

Learn CBT Techniques for Treating Mental Illness for Beginners with MCQ's

1 learners enrolled

Language: English

Instructors: Zenith Academics

Validity Period: 180 days

₹399 excluding GST


Why this course?


What is CBT?

Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy, abbreviated as CBT, is a widely used therapy that helps to rectify Cognitive Distortions so that people can break through their limiting self-philosophies. It helps them live more empowered and autonomous lives by transforming their own thought process from the inside out. Cognitive Distortions are exaggerated or irrational thought patterns, a negative outlook on reality sometimes called negative schemas, involved in the onset of the perpetuation of psychopathological states of thinking, that are often inaccurate and negatively biased.

The negative thought patterns are potential time bombs and can cause irreparable damage to a person’s attitude and personality. Unless treated early they may lead to disappointment, frustration, anger, anxiety, and depression.

What is the Importance of this Course?

Various studies indicate that one in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives. Around 450 million people currently suffer from such conditions, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide. In terms of quality years of life lost due to disability or death, the U.S. ranks third for unipolar depressive disorders, just after China, which is ranked No.1, followed by India. As per WHO, certain mental disorders like Anxiety Disorders, including Panic Disorders, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder(OCD), Phobias, Depression, Borderline Personality Disorder(BPD), Bipolar Disorder(BD), and other mood disorders, Eating Disorders, Personality Disorders, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD) have been on the rise worldwide. The effects of #Covid19 on the mental health of people would be gigantic. Treatments are available, but nearly two-thirds of people with a known mental disorder never seek help from a health professional due to lack of awareness and fear of stigma.

How will this Course help you?

This course attempts to make you learn the Cognitive Distortions and apply CBT techniques to rectify the negative thoughts and facilitate the positive transformation in people and also help them to think, feel and behave positively when pursuing their goals or objectives in life. It is a beginner-level course where you can easily grasp the concepts and the methodologies in simple steps. The teaching style is simple and easy so that the students can easily grasp and digest the subject. The instructor for this course is Najwa Bashir, a counselling Psychologist who has made several courses on psychotherapies. The instructor makes the students grasp the concepts step by step and guide them to complex areas of learning. You can complete this ‘CBT for Treating Cognitive Distortions Course’ at your own time and pace. You can easily complete the course in 16 days by completing each section in one day and performing the self-achievement test the next day. It is ideal for first-time learners who have no idea of CBT but have a great need for the subject in their lives.

What does this Course contain?

The course is divided into 9 sections, with one being an introduction video and the 8 sections being lessons. The sections are replete with video lectures & Demo Videos in the MP4 version, Self-Help Worksheets from well-reputed websites, reference articles, CBT Manuals, Psychology Dictionary and MCQs Test with answer key.

What You Will Learn?

1) Introduction to CBT. Here you will learn the history of CBT, how it works, the steps in CBT, its pros & cons & its uses and effectiveness.

2) –Ve Thinking & Cognitive Distortions. Here you will learn its importance in treatment, its origins & most common Cognitive Distortions.

3) Effects of Cognitive Distortions. Here you will learn ways to change Cognitive Distortions, how to recognise troubled feelings & how to reframe the scenario,

4) Cognitive Restructuring. Here you will learn cognitive restructuring therapy, self-monitoring, how to gather evidence, how to generate alternatives and their benefits & how to conduct a cost-benefit analysis

5) Exposure Therapy. Here you will learn its origins, benefits, treatment of PTSD, OCD & SAD, and also different techniques for the treatment of various disorders

6) Automatic Thought Records & Journaling. Here you will learn about the importance and benefits of thought records and journaling & the ABC therapy model.

7) Role Playing Technique. Here you will learn its objectives, benefits, where to use and how to use the technique

8) Progressive Muscle Relaxation Technique (PMR). Here you will learn its importance, benefits, and how to use the technique for treating various psychosomatic disorders.

What are the Pre- Requisites for this Course?

1) No prior knowledge of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is required to enroll in this course - making it ideal for those who are new to exploring this exciting form of cognitive psychology.

2) As a beginner-level course, it is ideal for first-time learners and those who need to apply the CBT techniques in their daily lives. Health Workers, HR Executives, Parents, and Community Workers are some examples of people who can take this course to bring about a change in people’s behavior.

3) The course has been designed blending psychology-based theoretical knowledge with practical application to apply the techniques to solve daily life issues with confidence.

4) An internet connection and a Laptop/PC/Mobile/Tablet.

5) A desire to transform people's lives.

For Whom This Course is Meant?

1) This Course is for first-time Learners, Students, Health Workers, HR Executives, Parents, Community Workers & those interested to know about CBT, its benefits, and the process to transform people’s lives.

2) This course is not for Professionals, Teachers, and those already in the field of CBT Therapy.

Course Curriculum

How to Use

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.
