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Letters/Application writing useful in daily life

Total Duration: 1 hour 26 min 21 sec.

Letters/Applications useful in daily life

8 learners enrolled

Language: English

Instructors: Prabh Kirpa Classes

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1. Application for sick leave 

2. Application to the Librarian for issuance of some books 

3. Application to the Principal for the remission of fine 

4. Application for issuance of school leaving certificate 

5. Application to the Principal for leave for going out of the station 

6. Application for fee concession 

7. Application to the Librarian for extension of due date for the return of borrowed books 

8. Application to the Librarian regarding the loss of a library book 

9. Application to the Principal for the remission of fine imposed by the Librarian 

10. Application to The Bookseller for the supply of books 

11. Application to the Principal for the addition of books in the library 

12. Application to the Principal regarding insufficient water supply in the school 

13. Application to the Principal regarding an urgent piece of work at home 

14. Application to the Principal regarding lack of basic sanitation facility in the school 

15. Application to the police regarding the theft of your motorcycle 

16. Letter to the Editor regarding inadequate street lights in your locality 

17. Letter to the Editor of a newspaper regarding road accidents due to rash driving 

18. Application to the Mayor regarding inadequate street lights in your locality 

19. Application to the Editor of a newspaper regarding the bad condition of roads in your locality.  20. Application to the Mayor regarding bad condition of roads in your locality 

21. Letter to your friend congratulating him on his success in the examination 

22. Application to the Bank Manager for issuance of checkbook/ATM Card/passbook/bank statement 

23. Application to the police regarding non-compliance with COVID-19 safety rules by some residents

24.  Application to the Principal for issuance of character certificate 

25. Complaint to police regarding nuisance caused by excessive and indiscriminate use of loudspeakers 

26. Application to the police regarding the loss of mobile phone 

27. Complaint to the police regarding theft of mobile phone 

28. Application to the Police regarding loss of wallet 

29. Application to the Police regarding loss of important documents/certificates

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