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Certification in Angelic Healing

Total Duration: 1 hour 22 min 34 sec.

Anyone who wants to transform lives through angelic healing / angel therapy or angelic communication.

Language: English

Instructors: Prof Krishna N Sharma Ph.D

Validity Period: 180 days

₹3300 85.73% OFF

₹399 excluding GST


Why this course?


This IAOTH, UK accredited step-by-step course will enable you to practice Angel Therapy for physical, mental, spiritual, and energy-related issues. This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding of Angels, Archangels, Guardian Angels, Mediumship, etc. So, we have completely avoided jargon and have simplified it for you.

This programme is accredited, and this Clicks Campus course is recognized for certification by Virtued Academy International, an autonomous institute, under the Virtued Society, incorporated under act 21, 1860 of the Government of U.P., India. Validity & Utility of the training is conditionally in conformity with the Constitution of India, and the laws of the land under Article 19 1 G. Virtued Academy International provides continuing education for individuals interested in self-development, and students should contact the IAOTH, the UK for registration/ accreditation and relevant local authorities for the scope of practice.

This skill can be very helpful in a range of other fields e.g. communication with angels/ archangels (angelic communication); self-improvement; the skills of shaman/ shamanism (witchcraft or Wicca/ soul retrieval), meditation and mindfulness; lucid dreaming, self-Acceptance/ self-love, hypnosis/ self-hypnosis/ hypnotherapy, self-esteem, likability, attraction, and radiate confidence through the spiritual law of attraction, spiritual personality development or personal development and spiritual soft skills, business communication skills, public speaking, self-presentation skills and social skills; astral projection / astral travel / Out-of-Body Experience (OBE), tantra / tantric sex, do forest bathing or Shinrin-Yoku and build nature connection for nonverbal communication i.e. telepathy, plant/human/animal communication, mind reading / mentalism / mentalist (without doing magic tricks), and lie detection; seeing past, future and manifestation; Qigong (Qi Gong), karmic or akashic records, karma, intuition development, remote viewing, consciousness, spirituality, spiritual coach / coaching, life coach / coaching, energy healing, pranic healing, spiritual healing, spiritual quantum physics or metaphysics, mystic philosophy (mysticism), color therapy/ colour therapy, past lives, past life regression, Tarot card reading, hoodoo and conjure, Angel card reading, Oracle card reading, and dowsing or divining rods etc.

Course Curriculum

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